Female Hair Loss Treatment in Bolton

The causes of hair loss in women are wide and varied and can include the menopause, viruses, accidents, poor health, shock, extreme stress or medication which can trigger the condition.

Any form of female hair loss can be stressful and could affect your self-confidence. If you are concerned about any aspect of your hair, act sooner rather than later by seeking advice from a qualified, reputable trichologist.

Callaghan Trichology offer a wealth of experience and expertise to diagnose, advise and recommend treatments for female hair loss having spent over 54 years in the hair care industry and is a Member of the Institute of Tricholgists and The Certified Association of Trichologists.

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Common Causes Of Female Hair Loss

Chronic Hair Shedding (Telogen Effluvium)

Chronic hair shedding affects about 30% of pre-menopausal women, so if your hair is thinning then you’re not alone. The causes of this type of female hair loss can include extreme stress, thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, on off dieting, severe weight loss, vegetarianism and low protein diets.

If you are experiencing chronic hair shedding then it is always best to take professional advice from a registered trichologist like Harry Callaghan before wasting time and money on unsuitable products and supplements which could cause further problems.

Iron Deficiency

A very common cause of hair loss in women is low iron levels in the blood. In fact the majority of the women who seek help for hair loss do not have sufficient iron for good hair growth. Once the iron levels in the blood are stabilised hair loss should decrease and hair growth should improve. Please note self medication is not advisable without professional support.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Symptoms of low B12 include hair loss, breathlessness, lack of energy palpitations, bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, tingling in the hands and feet. Causes of B12 deficiency can be from a vegetarian diet or an adverse auto-immune response. Treatments include ongoing B12 injections.

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Although most common in men, pattern hair loss can affect women too. More often than not this is an inherited condition that has passed down the generations but can be successfully treated with the help of a female hair loss specialist. However if the hair loss has gone untreated for a long length of time the hair loss may well be permanent.

Call Harry on 07527 506 113 or View Consultation Information

Women's Hair Loss Treatment

Time is of the essence! If you are concerned about female hair loss, act sooner rather than later by seeking advice from a qualified, reputable trichologist.

Prevention is better than cure so get in touch when you first notice hair loss so there is still adequate hair remaining to be treated using a variety of procedures and treatments.

Callaghan Trichology can explain about all of the female hair loss treatments available in our initial consultation based on your age, your current hair state and how quickly your hair is thinning.

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